For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Here at Calvary Chapel Into The Light, we offer a variety of ministries to participate and volunteer in.
Scroll below to get more information on each ministry and how you may participate in or volunteer for each.
Scroll below to get more information on each ministry and how you may participate in or volunteer for each.

Children's Ministries & Leaders
Children's Ministry - Gigi Schmitt, Priscilla Vazquez & Vicky Velazquez
Our Children's Ministry is our Sunday morning children's program for ages 3-11. We seek to provide a fun environment where our children can hear the Word of God presented at their level in order to develop them fully, both spiritually and naturally. They participate in crafts, memory verses, games, and making friends. We also provide nursery service for infants and children up to 2 years old on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Children's Ministry is Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Team K.I.D.- Javier Vela
Team K.I.D. is our Wednesday night children's program for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The children enjoy Bible lessons for their age group, crafts, singing and other fun activities. Our goal is to create an interactive, fun, Biblical learning environment to bring our children into a saving relationship with the Lord and help them grow in their faith. Team K.I.D. is Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Blueprint - Angel Ramirez
Blueprint is our Sunday and Wednesday night youth ministry. Our desire is to provide an interactive, positive, and fun atmosphere for youth to come and hear the Word of God on their level, receiving instruction and accountability from Scripture. Our emphasis is presenting the Word in a systematic fashion. We also use activities and camps as a way to cultivate deeper relationships amongst the youth. Blueprint is Sundays at 10:30 a.m. (English Service) & 1:00 p.m. (Spanish Service) as well as Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Adult Ministries & Leaders

Deeply Rooted Motherhood -
Michelle Gomez
Motherhood can be hard. It can be lonely. And it can be a little extra difficult these days given the noise that surrounds us from the postmodern culture we live in. God’s word tells us that being rooted in Christ will keep us grounded. Being established in our faith will allow us to filter out the noise and lies that surround us and live in truth. It is the desire of the Deeply Rooted Motherhood ministry to lead mamas, of all ages and walks of life, to the refreshing truth of God’s word encouraging women to seek Christ and establish their faith in Him. Our children are the next generation of the church and our spiritual walk as mothers is so crucial; after all, we cannot pass on what we don’t possess.
EXP - Learn. Live. Experience. -
Pastor Lito Lucena
E.X.P. is our fresh "young adult" ministry that is geared to EXPERIENCE life IN worship, IN God's word, and IN fellowship with His people, to connect us with His Spirit that lives inside. This ministry is open to young adults ages 18-35. E.X.P. is currently taking a break.

Greeter's Ministry- Karen Herrera
Christ calls us to love God and to love others, and that is the heart of those who greet visitors and returning members of the body, into God's house. Whether it's by providing a weekly bulletin, introducing you to a ministry leader, or showing you where to sign up for an upcoming activity, by sharing the love of Christ with those who enter the sanctuary, they hope to bring an uplifting experience to everyone who comes to meet with God.
Marriage Ministry - Ruben & Karen Herrera
Paul writes to the body in Ephesus that we should live in humility and gentleness... [being] eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Our marriage ministry offers opportunities of learning and doing, for married couples, through Bible studies, activities, excursions and retreats. It is our desire to help marriages strengthen and grow, in and through Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Meals Ministry - Vicky Velazquez
The Meals Ministry strives to be a helping hand to the body in times of need. We provide meals for those who have suffered illness, have undergone surgery, pregnancy, and other types of circumstances which makes preparing meals for yourself or your family difficult. We purchase, prepare and deliver the meal to your home. We are here to serve the Lord by serving people. For more information, please speak with the ministry leader.
Men's Ministry - Pastor Michael Torres
It is the desire of the Calvary Chapel Men's Ministries to equip the men of Calvary Chapel with God's Word so they can make a godly impact in their homes, in their workplaces, and in their schools. Through our bi-monthly men’s fellowships, small group meetings, activities and retreats you'll receive the instruction, encouragement, accountability, and fellowship you need to accomplish these goals. The Men's Ministry will resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Purchase your paperback book or Kindle ebook on

Mission's Ministry - Into The Light Board
Christ's Great Commission guides us in our pursuit to share the Gospel message beyond the pulpit, supporting missionary work in Okinawa, Japan; 20+ Calvary Chapel pastors in Cuba, as well as at orphanages in Mexicali & Tecate, Mexico. For more information on how you can support missionary efforts, speak with Pastor Michael or Pastor Tony.
Prayer & Followup Ministry - Ruben Herrera
In Isaiah, God tells us that His house shall be a house of prayer and as such, we have made it our goal to make prayer available during every Worship Service. Whether you need one-on-one prayer or for your family, our Prayer Ministry welcomes you. You can also submit your prayer request on our app or right here on our website.

Tech Ministry - Albert Vershum
The Tech Ministry focuses its efforts on enhancing and broadcasting every service for those attending in-person, as well as for those watching through our app and online. From providing worship lyrics, to live-streaming the service, to providing recordings for later watching and listening, the Tech Ministry provides and offers a variety of avenues for church members to focus on service as well as to offer their skills and talents.
Usher's Ministry - Estevan Mayon
Our Ushers Ministry makes itself available to visitors and the body in a variety of ways. From assistance with parking, to greeting visitors, to helping someone find a seat, and more! The Ushers Ministry dedicates its skills and abilities to maintain and improve the experience of those who come to hear God's word.
Women's Ministry - Novella Torres & Melissa Lucena
The heart of the Calvary Chapel Women’s Ministry is to reach women, both inside and outside of the church, with the love of Christ. We hope to help them to apply the Word of God to their lives and to see them grow in their walk with the Lord. We offer a variety of opportunities for women to gather and fellowship around the Word of God such as retreats, outings, and other activities, with the goal of strengthening their faith so they can be mature and effective women in every area of their lives. The Women's Ministry meets every other Thursday at 9:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Worship Ministry - Lito Lucena
The Psalmist tells us in chapter 33 to sing new songs, play on stringed instruments and lift our voices to our God. The heart of the Worship Ministry is to lead the body in upholding this command, while preparing each heart, in-person, and online, to receive God's Word.

Get Involved
Use your unique gifts to help
build His kingdom.
Paul tells us that we are all a part of the body of Christ and that the body works best when it serving each other in Christ. By exploring and using your God given gifts, you can build others up, strengthen your walk and encourage others to serve, all while bringing glory to God!
Is God leading you to serve in a ministry?
All of our ministry leaders and servants volunteer their skills and talents to honor and worship God, and you can, too! Here at Into The Light, we offer a variety of opportunities for you to discover and share the gifts God has blessed you with. All Ministries require a minimum of 6 months attendance before a member can serve. A Ministry Application is required and is available upon request. The Head Usher can direct you to the proper Ministry Leader for more information or you can click on the button below to begin the process.

Questions about a ministry?
We would love to guide you in your search for a ministry and answer any questions you may have about a ministry or about serving the body. Please reach out to us with your questions, comments and ideas by filling out the form below.