
  • Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it.

-Proverbs 22:6

Who We Are

ITL Christian Academy PSP is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Into The Light that supports families who wish to provide their child(ren) with a Christ centered education on their level and at their speed.
ITL Christian Academy PSP is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Into The Light that supports families who wish to provide their child(ren) with a Christ centered education on their level and at their speed.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide families with the support, resources and tools needed to successfully meet each of their child's educational and spiritual needs, from the safe and positive environment of their own home.
Our vision is to provide families with the support, resources and tools needed to successfully meet each of their child's educational needs, from the safe and positive environment of their own home.

Who We Serve

This ministry serves families that currently call Calvary Chapel Into The Light their home church and are providing a homeschool education for their child(ren). To see if you qualify, click here.  
This ministry serves families that currently call Calvary Chapel Into The Light their home church.  To learn more about beginning your own homeschool program, click here. To find a homeschool program near you, click here.
To learn more about beginning your own homeschool program, click here. To find a homeschool program near you, click here.